    Survey of Industrial Relations. Based on material mainly derived from official sources, with regard to industrial remuneration, conditions, and relationships in Great Britain and certain other countries so far as available; together with statistical tables [Текст] / Committee on industry and trade ; with an introd. by the committee. - London : Printed and published by His Majesty's stationery office, 1926. - 497, [1] p. - ISBN [Б. и.] : 17.09 р.

Рубрики: экономика--экономика промышленности--страны мира, 18-19 вв.

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
экономическая статистика -- промышленность -- заработная плата -- безработица -- народонаселение -- условия жизни

Экземпляры всего: 1
ОХФ (1)