Sinichkin, Y. P. (д-р физ.-мат. наук, профессор).
    The control of optical and physiological properties of the human skin in vivo with use of external mechanical compression: effect of the size of the compression [Текст] / Y. P. Sinichkin, I. A. Nakhaeva, O. V. Zyuryukina // Saratov Fall Meeting (SFM’15), International Symposium on Optics and Biophotonics III (Conference on Microscopy and Low-Coherence Methods in Biomedical and Non-Biomedical Applications VIII), September 22-25, 2015 : [сборник докладов]. - Саратов, 2015

Рубрики: физика


Доп. точки доступа:
Nakhaeva, I. A. (аспирант) Нахаева, Инара Адлькалиевна
Zyuryukina, O. V. (аспирант) Зюрюкина, Ольга Викторовна