Conference Paper

The architecture of intellectual system for monitoring of university students competences formation process

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The brief description of intellectual monitoring system of university students competences formation process using the complex-valued status function method is suggested. Algorithm for formation of SF are present. Monitoring system and possible aspects of intellectualized of this system are described. This work is devoted to the discussion of the intellectualization of the IS for monitoring of the processes of formation of cultural and professional competences during education of university students. Elicitation of main characteristics of competences which are widely discussed in literature and using of quantum-mechanical analogy give rise the method of status functions for description of complex socio-economical systems having large number of dynamical parameters and variables in multidimensional space.

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An intelligent system is proposed to support decision-making to determine the presence of falsification in meat products based on histological studies. The tasks that must be solved for its development are formulated. The system architecture for the implementation of the formulated tasks is proposed. It includes, in particular, the expert subsystem and the decision support subsystem. Formalization of knowledge for making a decision about the presence of counterfeit is carried out on the basis of production rules. They are generated based on information contained in morphological tables. The development of a prototype ES is carried out in the programming language of artificial intelligence Prolog. The results of optimizing the approximation of a polychrome image of slices of meat products are described. A method for solving it based on a genetic algorithm is proposed. A program was developed in the C++ programming language, using which a complex of computational experiments was carried out to study the nature of the dependence of the convergence of the optimization process. Various parameters varied: the maximum number of iterations, the choice of the initial population. Further studies in this direction are related to the implementation of all the necessary image processing algorithms to automatically identify the required values of the characteristics of the image fragments for use in the cyber-physical system of automation of the process of identifying falsified meat products.
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This paper describes the new fuzzy membership complex function sets which are called status functions. It demonstrates how these function sets might be used in the mathematical description of the multidimensional rating of competences during education process of individuals and its ability to increase professional level, viewed both from external social role, and from internal readiness for the change. The method for estimation of effectiveness of education process is also proposed.To estimate the effectiveness of education process we propose to use transfer function or frequency response function which can be calculated as discrete Fourier transform at the interval of rating variable.
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The authors of this work develop a management model of quality of process of competences development and support of decision of low-formalized tasks of management of learning quality process. On the basis of research of features of creation of a complex of feedback realization within the "operator - environment - machine" system the model is developed which provides the stage-by-stage evolutionary development of this complex when modeling various external and internal influences, and can be integrated into modern management systems. Systems of images recognition, a status functions method, testing systems, video recording, and photogrammetric methods are used. Taking into account some assumptions, the proposed approach can be widely applied in difficult training complexes, anthropomorphous training systems, in distant education, and for complex assessment of difficult social and economic objects condition.
Veshneva I. V. Application of the theory of fuzzy sets to problems of assessment and management formation of competences: recognition of current situation
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  • L A Melnikov
Intellectual system for monitoring and rating of competence formation process
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  • V V Lobanov
New methods of mathematical modeling of dynamics and control of competence formation in university
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  • I V Veshneva
  • L A Melnikov
  • L G Perova
SF based computer modeling code for competence formation Registered computer program N22013618715
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  • I V Veshneva
  • L A Melnikov
  • V V Lobanov